Work in progress…
The planned rebuilding of the demolished building (future coffeehouse) has slowed however works in and around the main building are being finalised and almost ready to receive some who want to change and improve their lifestyle.
The Reintegration Project and start up of the businesses have been postponed related to staff shortages and Corrie’s (project manager) return to the Netherlands for 3 months. Preparation for the this Project continues while she is away.
Usual outreach continues in three locations with the consideration of another location.
Community Benefiting
Currently 120 homeless people are beneficiaries of the project. As hospitals are not welcoming the homeless due to the current pandemic, the team is assisting many with health issues such as successfully treating severe wounds, assisting others needing new leg protheses and hearing aids, enabling eye surgery and treating other infections. Miraculously another lady with advanced Tuberculosis was admitted to hospital for treatment but sadly succumbed to the illness.
Recruitment continues…
In spite of staff shortages, the team atmosphere is great and people are enjoying serving and working together. More long-term committed and responsible workers with a heart and vision for the homeless are needed. Several positions have been filled…a project worker and a construction worker assisting with logistics, both with good potential and hearts for the community, and a family unable to leave Mongolia for a year overseeing the property and assisting with practical work and preparation for the reintegration project. The executive director position and a (part-time) psychologist will be advertised in December.
How can you help?
If you wish to help with this project, please just click on the “Donate to this Project” button on the right sidebar. Thank you!