New Manager…
Anthea Maynard is the new Executive Director of Food Plant International Inc (FPI)… taking over the reins from her recently retired father, Bruce French, who was the founder and driver of the organisation. FPI seeks to improve worldwide nutrition by helping people feed themselves using locally adapted plants, at no cost to those in need. Bruce and Deb will be sorely missed, and we wish them the very best for the future.
Anthea has a comprehensive knowledge of the project and is excited to continue this amazing work and to build on what Bruce has achieved. Watch this space…
Recent Highlights…
- A new Shona translation of the FPI book “Food Plants of Zimbabwe – A brief Introduction” is being created with the help of a retired Zimbabwean teacher in Harare. Intergenerational knowledge shared in collaboration with Food Plants International is exciting. The enthusiasm in Zimbabwe towards the translated food plant books and posters is delightful. Anthea states “We have worked to see this type of engagement over many years and see great benefit of local food plant champions in transforming our work.”
- Establishing a partnership with Baptist Union of Papua New Guinea is another long-awaited opportunity. We are inspired and encouraged by the openness of the Ministry Director to collaborate.
Ongoing Programme…
Timor-Leste…fostering new partnerships with people from Timor-Leste working in Tasmania and a range of NGOs working in Timor-Leste and Red Cross to promote our posters and books.
Zimbabwe…0nline traditional food plant resource hub is planned to create a platform to encourage local collaboration, networking, information sharing (recipes, photos, resources etc.) as well as a community building. FPI are meeting with Oxfam Zimbabwe to discuss collaboration and partnership opportunities.
Papua New Guinea…Bruce and Deb French’s extensive agricultural and theological library is being transported to the University of Natural Resources and Environment (UNRE) and Sonoma Adventist College, in East New Britain, Papua New Guinea. UNRE plans to create a section in their library to showcase these food plant books for the Pacific region.
Vietnam…fostering connections in Tasmania through a Vietnamese contact at Worldview Intercultural Centre. FPI have 477 Vietnam food plant posters ready for promotion and distribution locally and internationally.
Solomon Islands…continuing to connect and promote books and posters with Solomon Islands World Vision and Solomon Islands Organic Learning Farms and others.
Finding partners to help promote the posters, books and resources that have already been created for PNG, Zimbabwe, Solomon Islands, India, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam.
You can help…
If you wish to help research, develop, and produce information to enable the hungry to feed themselves, please click on “Donate to this Project” in the right sidebar. Thank you!
All gifts are tax deductible and will benefit this project in their entirety except for bank fees.