Bequest to HADA

What should I do with my possessions?

Dying is not an option for any of us!  But what we do with our earthly goods that remain is.

Have you ever thought of bequeathing some or all of your possessions to HADA, so that what you have here-and-now will make a difference to someone else’s life in one of our project locations?  You can make a change to the world when you leave it!  Yes, this power is in your hand.

Specific Wording

We recommend the following wording be used:

I give the sum of $ …….. to Health and Development Aid Abroad – Australia Fund Inc ABN 43 739 862 351 ( hereinafter called HADA) of 10 Numeralla Avenue, Ashmore Queensland for the general purposes of HADA.  A receipt from the secretary of HADA will be a good discharge to my executors.

Let’s talk about it.

If you would like an opportunity to talk about the options available, we would be pleased to speak with you.   Simply contact us for further information or read more about HADA and how to donate.

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