Spring has sprung…
The weather is gradually warming and with it more hope for the homeless. Over the long winter the projects continued.
- Drop-in Bus: Continued outreach to two locations “Bars-Kombinat” and “100 Ail-Darih”. The shower-house service with second-hand clothing is ongoing. Six contacts from the bus have joined the community house project (rehab phase) plus one through their partnering hospital ‘Agape’. A summer outing is planned.
- Community House Project: Sadly, several participants have left as the weather warms and the pull of alcohol tempts them. The door is also open for their return…most addicts relapse many times before reaching stability and a life absent of alcohol. One participant is returning to his former workplace…a huge risk of relapsing to his former drinking habits. The manager of the project is in contact with his employer and allowing him to continue residing in the community house for support.
- Support: Weekly Celebrate Recovery courses, Alpha course, individual, group and peer support meetings continue
- Some participants work part-time in a greenhouse company nearby and help with the projects on site… greenhouse, vegetable gardens and planting.
- Opening of the Coffeehouse-ger is planned for end of June. Two staff are Barista trained and participants are eager for the opening.
- First aid service…treating winter wounds from open fires for warmth or from the intense cold.
Staff changes…
Their residential staff members at the Community House left abruptly, and other staff are sharing overnight stays and weekends until new staff are recruited.
An orphan in reintegration phase, has the potential and desire to serve his fellow addicts having volunteered with us previously when he was doing well.
Staff training by an ‘addiction care coach’ was valuable…giving more insight into the complexity of addiction.
You can help…
If you wish to support this vital outreach to the homeless and poor in Mongolia, please click on “Donate to this Project” in the right sidebar. Thank you.
All gifts are tax deductible and will benefit this project in their entirety except for bank fees.