Growth in business…
15 new businesses have started! Zainul and Shimtheya Abedin, Managers, are continually seeking suitable candidates and have prospective new business owners ready as funds become available. They currently meet with micro recipients and provide guidance and support.
A learning curve…
The cost of supplies such as fuel and sugar have increased around 40% reducing the profit margin for business owners. The owners are encouraged to increase their prices if they are able.
Saving during the profitable times…such as festival times…to cater for the lean times is essential. Some can do this better than others, but all have remained self-sustaining.
A neighbour Bangladeshi presumed one of the ladies had stolen the sewing machine or gained it wrongfully. The managers graciously explained the micro business loan fund available for Rohingya to become self-sustaining and contribute to Bangladeshi society.
You can help…
If you wish to help more Rohingya people to be self-sufficient and contribute to their community, please click on “Donate to this Project” in the right sidebar.
All gifts are tax deductible and will benefit this project in their entirety except for bank fees.