New school building
The new school is finished. Unfortunately a 3rd wave of COVID-19 has kept all schools closed. The ground floor office is open, a caretaker has moved in and over 30 enrolments have been taken. Due to the rapid spread of the Delta strain no further enrolments have been accepted.
Schools reopening
The Bangladesh government announced that schools may reopen on the 12th of September. The school will be open for the 2022 school year in January. A Principal and 2 teachers will be recruited in the fourth quarter to maximise enrolments for 2022.
Future proofing
The upper floor has been converted to rental accommodation at a minimal cost and will generate income to support the schools until the floor is needed for the new school in 2 to 3 years’ time. The amended floor plan will also be suitable for the school’s use eliminating any need for remediation costs. This facility will be an enormous benefit to the local Tongi community.
How can you help?
If you wish to donate to the continued operations of the school, just click on the “Donate to this Project” button on the right sidebar. Thank you.