Focus on Sierra Leone
Since independence in 1961 Sierra Leone, West Africa, has been plagued with civil wars and poverty and despite its precious resources of diamonds and rare minerals, continues in tatters. Corruption within the government and one-party or military rule have contributed to this state of affairs. The epicentre of activity is Freetown, the capital, with a population of some 2 million people. Ethnically, culturally and religiously diverse the city is home to a significant number of the country’s ethnic group with Krio being the main language spoken. The World Health Organization rates Sierra Leone as the third poorest country in the world, with 80% of the population unemployed, intermittent electricity and water services and hygiene, health and education at crisis levels.
Why so Poor?
Money meant to build sturdy roads and bridges to facilitate the transport of goods and basic services disappears into the pockets of government officials. Civil Rights Oppression and marginalization of individuals, both within and outside of tribal groups, have also led to persistent poverty within Sierra Leone. Lack of education produces persistent poverty in the country. Many rural schools built immediately after Sierra Leone was granted independence don’t have well-endowed alumni to help support the schools and fund them. With inadequate government funding, there is a lack of books and equipment needed to provide basic education to children.
P4K’s Aim and Plans
Education is a springboard out of poverty into a better life and our AIM is to offer Free and Affordable high-quality Education to as many children as possible from Kindergarten to High School and on to College and Higher Education.
Year 1: Provide support for the development of educational facilities; Offer education and related scholarships to those who otherwise could not afford or never receive the opportunity for education, both young and old; Provide Medical facilities, Housing facilities for local underprivileged communities in ways which will improve their quality of life with local private and public established schools.
Year 2: To offer resources of a social, community and benevolent nature, that will help to create a better society in the local communities surrounding these educational facilities. To offer Broad Healthcare services and basic healthcare education to local communities. To provide school feeding programs to address the issue of malnutrition. To provide sporting facilities and equipment for schools in local communities.
Year 3: To provide relief to the poor, the homeless, the sick, the orphans, people with disabilities, the widows and in general the lost and forgotten.
How will it happen?
In the Ist year to provide quality international Volunteer Teachers to implement proven procedures and impart knowledge to local teachers. To provide modern and safe facilities to students. In the 2nd year To provide wells and water purification in local education facilities. To provide modern and safe sewage, plumbing and hygienic facilities for educational facilities. In the 3rd year to provide Solar Power to educational facilities.
It has been said that In the first five years of life, a child’s brain develops more and faster than at any other time in his life. A child’s early experiences — their relationships and the things they see, hear, touch, smell, and taste — stimulate their brains, creating millions of connections. This is when the foundations for learning, health, and behaviour throughout life are laid down. Our mission is to provide the young with opportunities for Education, Healthy eating, Physical activity, Healthcare, Neighbourhood & Community interaction. However, this is not possible unless the same is offered to the child’s whole family; support for their parents and their siblings. In doing so we can lift the next generation of Sierra Leoneans out of poverty by gently leading them through Kindergarten, Pre School, Primary & Secondary school, with all of which we partner in the communities of Freetown and Waterloo. Once completed, and their studies allow, we offer scholarships in higher or tertiary education.
Our conviction is that as the country’s economy improves and as people begin to have the resources to pay for their children’s education, the educational facilities will rely less and less on the help we offer. The situation and our performance will be reviewed every 5 years.
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