KCF recognised…
Kichwamba Children’s Foundation received a special ‘Certificate of Appreciation’ from Kichwamba Primary School during an end of year ceremony…in recognition of “…distinguished and valuable support to the needy and vulnerable children at the school in various ways”. This was a meaningful acknowledgment of the support and excellent care provided to many students, and ensuring the school has the resources available to pay teacher salaries and purchase supplies for school meals by paying at the beginning of each semester.
Children achieving well…
The children achieved well in the last school year and are now on a well-earned holiday break. They have a holiday tutoring program commencing after Christmas and, as always, there is a lot of excitement about the upcoming Christmas break.
Three children finished in the top 3 of their classes! They had 5 children finish S4, which may be their final year of schooling, including the last two of our “original” boys in 2011. Hopefully they will commence apprenticeships which will enable them to find gainful employment in the community.
New children…
Two new children were welcomed into the KCF family from very dire circumstances. They are both in P6 and came from a family where their father died from HIV/AIDS. Their mother was left with no income or ability to pay for her children. KCF provided her and her young baby with resources and support and are providing care and schooling for the older children.
Construction recommenced…
Finally, after a hiatus due to weather and some labour challenges, construction of the girl’s house is back underway which hopefully will be completed early 2025. KCF are making organizational shifts needed to accommodate expansion (not just financial but also staffing and resources). Once officially moved into the building, an ‘opening ceremony’ will be held.
You can help…
If you wish to support KCF to continue to provide valuable care, support and education for the children and families at Kichwamba and make a significant difference to their lives, please click on “Donate to this Project” in the right sidebar. Thank you.
All gifts are tax deductible and will benefit this project in their entirety except for bank fees.