Effective team building beats the odds…
Despite the lack of funds, this last quarter has been very profitable in building strong relationships between staff and children. The staff team members and children have grown together as a family, focusing on relationships and discovering, adventuring and enjoying life. All of 71 children are doing well in their studies, many of them topping their classes in recent examinations.
One of the hostel children, Parwat, was selected to participate in a National Geographic Photography Camp online and, post camp, was selected as one of the strongest participants of the 30+ students. Some of his photos and an interview will soon be shared in National Geographics publications. A very proud moment for the organisation!
There are currently 61 hostel children, 10 staff children, 70 staff/workers members, 7 graduates (previous hostel children now adults) living/studying within the campus. In addition…19 students are being supported in universities across India, 11 agricultural
laborers work on the farm and some 700+ students are studying both online and offline at the school
Staying healthy and active and having fun…
The children and staff are healthy and safe. Cases of the COVID-19 virus are extremely low in the area however Dengue Fever is spreading in this community and leading to many hospitalizations.
In November, a special Children’s Day was held with a bucket load of games, activities and treats for the kids.
The girls were able to spend a weekend camping in the jungle behind the property as a part of a Girls Empowerment Camp. While on the camp the girls participated in games/activities that encouraged them to step out of their comfort zones and encourage them to be adventurous, brave and to support others.
Crops harvested…
Their rice paddy harvest went well with $14,000 worth of additional grain ready for sale soon. This will be a great relief for the organization during this time when access to funds has been difficult.
Board Meeting mask to mask…
While keeping in line with COVID-19 restrictions an in-person Annual General Meeting of the managing body. It was a great chance for all members to discuss, share and celebrate the good work and progress through the last year.
How can you help?
While there has been some difficulty accessing monies from overseas related to difficulty acquiring a bank account these are now resolved and all funds received are gratefully received now.
Thank you to all who have generously supported in the past. If you wish to help with this project, just click on the “Donate to this Project” button on the right sidebar.