Connecting with the Homeless…
Outreach to the homeless continues via their Drop in Bus, Community House Project and Livelihood Project. They are also researching other ways of connecting with the homeless such as setting up a ‘recycling collection point’ or setting up a ‘homeless shelter/day care center’ in one of their areas of ministry.
Drop-in Bus
Outreach to the homeless in three locations via the drop-in bus continues but changes in the city management, increasing difficulty in finding suitable space to park, and closure of recycling points have reduced its effectiveness. They continue to look for new ways to improve its effectiveness.
Community House Project
Individual and 12-step meetings, change-plan meetings and Life-topics meetings are held on a weekly basis. The current participants work in different work-projects in the neighborhood. Some participants left in the past period due to a variety reasons, some good and some sad. The staff continue to follow up with those who have left and their families.
For next year they will focus on improving reintegration rather than just rehabilitation. The main goal of the Community House has always been to do the follow-up…to help graduates of rehabilitation (some of whom are admitted through our drop-in bus project, but mainly admissions/graduates of rehabilitation centers) on their way to a stable life back in society, which are generally not the focus of other rehabilitation centers.
Livelihood Projects
‘Sergelt Cafe’ is running well and opens 6 days/week. With the attached kitchen, the menu has increased to include pizzas, meat platters and popular local food resulting in more regular customers. Part-time café staff are also gaining more hours. The cafe might close for 3-4 months during the coldest winter months until new heating is installed.
They are looking for more good work projects, including a workshop building, on their site for (rehab phase) participants of the community house. Until they find more work projects, they are limiting new (rehab phase) people.
You can help…
If you wish to support this vital outreach to the homeless in Mongolia to help them on their way to a stable life back in society, please click on “Donate to this Project” in the right sidebar. Thank you for your ongoing support!
All gifts are tax deductible and will benefit this project in their entirety except for bank fees.