Sobering thoughts…
Alcoholism and addiction are prevalent and causing much suffering in Kazakhstan. The medical profession helps with the physical effects but not the ongoing support needed. Four support groups for those suffering with alcoholism and other addictions meet nine times a week in the Astana Community Centre space. All groups use the 12 step principles of AA to help break addictions and support ongoing sobriety. Around 70 people are regularly attending these groups.
The 3 Russian language groups are thriving and meet most days and a new Kazak-language alcoholics group is growing little by little. Another support group meets elsewhere once a week and are looking for a new meeting space.
Flow-on effects…
The effects of alcoholism and addition flow-on to spouse, partners, children, and the community. A co-dependency support group, consisting mostly of wives of alcoholics, meets in our community centre space on Saturday mornings and includes an online presence so that people who cannot attend in person can still participate.
An Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA) group for people who grew up in alcoholic families meets once a week erratically on Sunday afternoons. The group is struggling with poor leadership and low attendance. The leader is receiving some encouragement and mentoring.
Spreading the word…
Printed literature about alcoholism and addiction recovery and the support groups is distributed and displayed on the community centre bulletin board in the public corridor for those passing by or waiting for the veterinarian next door. People often “steal” the pamphlets, showing the message is getting out there!
Success stories…
Many of the participants have been stable and sober for long periods of time. A former member, who moved to another city 3 years ago, returned recently and spoke about maintaining sobriety over several years.
You can help!
If you wish to assist in changing the lives of those suffering with alcoholism and addiction in Kazakhstan and their families and wider community, please click on “Donate to this Project” in the right sidebar.
All gifts are tax deductible and will benefit this project in their entirety except for bank fees.