School’s back…
The orphans’ schools have reopened after closure for weeks due to civil unrest. The orphanage and schools were not damaged and the boys at the orphanage are safe and well and progressing.
Well done…
The schools continue to maintain academic results significantly above the national averages. Two of the boys from the orphanage achieved excellent results in their HSC (GPA 4.33 and 4.75) are excited to start their tertiary education.
Another highlight…annual sponsorships for all the boys have been received. Thank you to all who contribute.
Enrolments growing…
Enrolments have increased significantly at Savar and Tongi however they continue to drive for more students at Savar, Tongi and Uttara for 2025
Current beneficiaries of the project include 668 students and 37 teachers plus 40 participating in adult literacy programs. 11 Boys live at the orphanage plus the house parents with their 2 children and a cook.
What’s ahead…
They continue to:
- support the boys’ development at the orphanage,
- support the efficient functioning of the schools, and
- provide specialised math’s tutoring for year 10 School Certificate math’s candidates.
Kalyan visits the orphanage at least weekly and visits all the schools at least quarterly. Unfortunately, the Caleb directors are unable to this November due to the political unrest.
Earthquake damage…
An earthquake in the Savar region damaged underground pipes which cost $999 to repair at the school.
You can help…
Caleb Foundation are very thankful for the recent generous donations from HADA and others…it does enrich the lives of the children and the community! If you wish to support the orphanage and ensure a quality education for the children, please click on “Donate to this Project” in the sidebar. Thank you very much!
All gifts are tax deductible and will benefit this project in their entirety except for bank fees.