LAI lives on…
The 10th container of books and education supplies is heading to the Solomon Islands. This was to be the last but new Library Aid International (LAI) members want this valuable work to continue…DeBruyns Transport is also willing to continue transporting boxes of books and LAI’s full containers at no cost as they have for 15 years!
More than 400 schools over the past 12 years with close to 100,000 children now have access to books and resources otherwise not available to them…an amazing achievement!
Change of premises…
LAI need a new location…after 12 years the current premises will be repurposed.
You can help…
Please consider if you can help by volunteering, donating children’s books, educational resources or by donating money to transform these young lives. Books and other resources needed are listed on the Donations Page at website or on LAI Facebook page.
If you wish to assist by donating money, please click on “Donate to this Project” in the right sidebar.
All gifts are tax deductible and will benefit this project in their entirety except for bank fees.